Love the Moment / Igor Dobrowolski Solo Show

“ Love  the  Moment 

– Igor Dobrowolski Solo Show

地點|田奈藝術 台中館

 藏家預展|2020. 9. 11 -17 


伊果 ‧ 多布羅沃斯基 ( Igor Dobrowolski )


2020 全新的金屬系列創作

 11   17 日為藏家預展週,請透過 Mail 、 Facebook、 Instagram 或 田奈官網 預約參訪時段。

“ Love  the  Moment 

– Igor Dobrowolski Solo Show

 VIP Preview|2020. 9. 11 – 17 

It is an honor to announce, GIN HUANG Gallery is going to present the latest metal series work by our new representative Polish artist, Igor Dobrowolski.

The VIP Preview will be September 11th to 17th.

 All works are now for pre-order online.

Please contact us for work list via Mail.