“POPPING NOW” is from contemporary Japanese artists Izumi Kato, Yuki Inoue, Sou Hirose, British artist George Morton-Clark, and France artist Val. The exhibition combines traditional art forms and emerging urban art. The works are created from 2016 to 2019 and presented in the form of oil painting, print, sculpture, etc.

Through the diverse media, creative techniques and styles can sneak a peek at aesthetic of the contemporary outstanding artists. The conception of “Popping Now” New Collection is trying to express that the transformation of art form is not to define which is much more noble. 

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“POPPING NOW” New Collection is from contemporary Japanese artists Izumi Kato, Yuki Inoue, Sou Hirose, British artist George Morton-Clark, and France artist Val. The exhibition combines traditional art forms and emerging urban art. The works are created from 2016 to 2019 and presented in the form of oil painting, print, sculpture, etc.

Through the diverse media, creative techniques and styles can sneak a peek at aesthetic of the contemporary outstanding artists. The conception of “Popping Now” New Collection is trying to express that the transformation of art form is not to define which is much more noble. The combination of different styles shows more strong and energetic power. Furthermore, it’s more desirable to embody the aesthetic concept that the artist intends to convey.

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Popping Now New Collection

Popping Now New Collection

Popping Now New Collection

Popping Now New Collection

Popping Now New Collection

Popping Now New Collection

Popping Now New Collection

Popping Now New Collection