Crossing The World

Crossing The World|

Anna Berezovskaya

Jul., 07, 2017  –  Oct., 31, 2017

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Russian artist Anna Berezovskaya who born in 1986 had already achieved national and international recognition in 2001. She is 31 years old nowadays and attract extensive attention worldwide as her unique style & technical mastery. All of life’s tales are important to Berezovskaya’s creativity, especially the familiarity of childhood, which informs many of her best paintings and drawings. Besides, it resonates with viewers’ own emotions and the values we hold close. 

In recent years, Anna has lots of other ideas which are differ from she used to be. 

Anna described her new series on the presentation in 2015:”I still draw on stories that I love from my childhood but in terms of development I realize I have developed and grown and my ideas are becoming more interesting, sharper, more developed. With my new series I wanted to invest the works with a sense of what people value, what is worth doing. I have done this using the style and techniques I have always used, but perhaps with a stronger sense of symbolism and a greater awareness of my own artistic style.”

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Anna is not only a time traveler, but a social recorder. 

The brutal and splendid in reality intertwine with the ethereal of Russian fairy tale.

It’s not distressed in Anna’s art. She puts sweet and bitter into a isolated planet without reservation.The planet is ingenious and exquisite. However, when you savour it deeply, is it visionary as the face?

Russian artist Anna Berezovskaya who born in 1986 had already achieved national and international recognition in 2001. She is 31 years old nowadays and attract extensive attention worldwide as her unique style & technical mastery. All of life’s tales are important to Berezovskaya’s creativity, especially the familiarity of childhood, which informs many of her best paintings and drawings. Besides, it resonates with viewers’ own emotions and the values we hold close. 

In recent years, Anna has lots of other ideas which are differ from she used to be. Anna described her new series on the presentation in 2015:”I still draw on stories that I love from my childhood but in terms of development I realize I have developed and grown and my ideas are becoming more interesting, sharper, more developed. With my new series I wanted to invest the works with a sense of what people value, what is worth doing. I have done this using the style and techniques I have always used, but perhaps with a stronger sense of symbolism and a greater awareness of my own artistic style.”

She uses symbolism to create timeless works on canvas and paper, carefully selecting subjects that transcend time and space to convey her ideas and emotions. In doing so, she is inspired by Russian culture and literature. For example, locks and keys feature prominently in her works, representing mysteries to be unlocked and discoveries to be made. The recurrence of safety pins in her work hark back to an old Russian superstition which claims that wearing an old safety pin will ward off evil. Snails also feature prominently as the spiral on the shell of a snail is a symbol of life. Bringing these symbols together, Anna depicts a world of her own, full of its own meaning and stories.  While Anna’s art speaks to both the past and the present, her unique stories insinuate something of the fantastic imaginings of childhood. Yet, her painting, almost entirely stripped of innocence, is for adults, for a grown-up world of social uncertainty and a yen for adventure. Her artistic vision is a rich one filled with questions on the power of memory, the place of dreams, the formation of identity, and our need to understand time and the place of history as well as something of the social and political turbulence of society today. One quickly realizes that to engage fully with Anna’s vision one has to use one’s imagination and step inside her oeuvre, to become, as it were, a protagonist or an accomplice in her art’s complex tales. While each of her work is a separate and distinctive piece, the common thread that binds them is the strong emotions and feelings that Berezovskaya has imbued in each one. 

Anna is a visual time traveller whose art is rich in metaphor, full of keen perceptions on history, redolent with superb human and animal symbolism, as well as wry humour, all of which challenges any viewer. This humour cleverly informs her social narrative: it is the glue that binds many of her surreal tales together. Who will not laugh at antics of her fish and birds and not wonder about love? Anna’s world is too extraordinary that her artworks are highly sought after by serious art collectors and investors in Russia, US, France, Netherlands, Hong Kong and Singapore. Anna currently lives and works in Moscow, Russia.

Russian artist Anna Berezovskaya’s solo exhibition in Taipei “Crossing the world” is going to start on July 7. If you want to experience the grace which belong to Russia and the world  which created by Anna, welcome to attend the show ” Crossing the world|Anna Berezovskaya Solo Exhibition”.

Installation Views

人間穿越 2017 GIN HUANG Gallery

人間穿越 2017 GIN HUANG Gallery

人間穿越 2017 GIN HUANG Gallery

人間穿越 2017 GIN HUANG Gallery

人間穿越 2017 GIN HUANG Gallery